Is difficult to think that since I like to work, because I still have three years to finish my career.
I have my ideals, that I would like to achieve when I start working. There are many ideas that I would like to perform, such as making a graduate PhD in
When I finish my PhD, and return to Chile, and the first thing that I would do , is work in the public area, because I think that here , in this place, or professional fields, is where they need a big number of professionals with a specialties.
At first I would like to hire me as a simple employee of the health field, where I will to get to know , who is the systematic of a hospital. I think it is fundamental, to know the area work where one is developed, for then be able to make modifications or have people in charge.
After I working in the public area, I would like to go to private area. but I will see over time and the amount of job opportunities that I come up.